With almost every product there is an over priced one, a decently priced one, and there are a few that are free. Because this is your business and you are just starting out you aren't making any money yet, and either way you want to spend as little as possible. So the obvious thing to do is get the free stuff, but what is not obvious is which one to get. Well of course you want to get one that has good quality. So read reviews. Then read the stats. How many people have it? What all does it have or do? Read the reviews and ask these questions for each one that you think it is worth looking at. Then make a pro and con list for each one, and compare it with the others. In the pro and con list be sure to include what you want and what is necessary. When you come to your final conclusion think about how helpful this blog was and tell your friends. :) just kidding.
If you have questions just ask with a comment, and if you want a product that has to do with technology and want quick advise I can totally give you some options.
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