
The online world of business

The online world of business

Friday, May 23, 2014

Starting, building, and fixing.

Preparation and planning are highly important. They are the key to having successful business. My business was lucky, I had no preparation what so ever, but there was no risk. I had nothing to lose. You know almost every businesses falls because of money loss: If you can't pay your employees then you're done. The thing is, I had no employees. Most people are amazed when they here that some one started a company by them selves when the fact is, there is less risk. The only problem is the work put into it.
When you start a business on your own there is a lot of work to be done. Planing ahead makes all the difference in the world. If you schedule and space your work out ahead of time then you will always know what to do next, how far your to finishing, and you are then able to relax in knowing what's going to happen. However when you have a business with a team and more variables involved you actually need to plan more!
Think about it you know have to not only keep track of your work but others as well. So you see, it is very important to plan ahead of time. Your goal is to be ahead of the game not the players. In order to do so, you must plan ahead.
Here are a few thing that you should do:

1. Form a business plan

2. Form your business model

3. Making the logo ahead of time

4. Finance plan and budget

5. Form a work system

OK so let's say you started up and everything's great!
Well, how do you keep it alive?

Keep the business clear and straight headed.

Keep it simple for customers, users, and viewers.

Get out and stay out of debt.

Make sure more money is coming in rather than out. (Simple, but often forgotten)

Easy is hard pre-sweat the details for your companies work system.

Now let's say that you business is not doing very well.
Here is what you should do:

1. Cut your losses:
Get rid of what you don't need. If you have a worker that isn't being effective or working well. Give him a warning to work harder, and if he doesn't, then fire him. If any object that you are selling or services that your are providing is not working out for the best of your company that get ride of it, stop producing it. Keep one on your goal, one eye one your finances, and keep both of them at the same pace.

2. Get out of debt:
Cutting your losses will have already helped out, but now its your job to make sure that you are gaining. Up your marketing plan, go with ways that are cheaper or free but still good quality, eat a little less! Just don't stay in that debt. However take it some what slow. Don't rush. Keep your mind a company clear and going in the right direction. Make a 6 month plan for getting rid of your debt. Debt is a glutinous ghost, whose thirst can not be quenched, but stop its food supply and it can't live. Stop the feeding line! Kill the monster.
Try out Dave Ramsey's seven baby steps to financial freedom.

3. Rethink it all:
Rethink your work system, your finance plan, your product, your marketing strategy, anything that could be a little bit better. Something is obviously wrong or you wouldn't be in the red ink.
Just find out what the problem is and fix it, but remember "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that made it!". Albert Einstein said that and you should too. You should also believe it, follow it, and practically live by it! Its a good rule of thumb.

No mater what situation your are in you should read Robert kyosaki's books on starting a business, finance, and more to build, fix, or reinforce your business.

I hope you learned what you needed to! If you have any questions just ask! Oh and welcome to the online world of business.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


If you have or are thinking of having a website then you have probably heard the acronym SEO.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. People normally totally buy into it or ignore it all together.
It actually is really good to have your website optimized for search engines. It brings in a lot more views.
I have recently learned how to optimize websites for search engines as well as how to make a website from scratch. These two things have been extremely useful, and not just for me. I optimized a businesses website, well... actually I rebuilt their website and then optimized for them and the results were amazing. Before I built them a whole new website and did SEO on it the company was getting 1 to 3 views on a good day. In the first 6 days they got over 460 views, and it's been steady ever since. However, the down side to it is that because it is so valuable companies will only do it for a large price. So make sure that if you have it done to have it done for a good price, but if you want to do it your self here are a few things to do:

Make sure that the title, url, and page names of the website are precise.
This is the foundation of getting search engines to notice you.

Make sure that in your paragraphs you use words that describe what the website is about.
But make it work. Don't just randomly fit words in, be smooth about it.

Give images and videos alternate text.
This tells the search engine what media on your website is about and get's them to look your way if you will.

Make sure that your links use descriptive words.
Rather than just saying "click here" or "link" use words about the website or the name of the website that you are linking to like: "Games for fun"

Make sure that your images are in a good format.
If your images are formatted properly then the load time will be faster, and search engines check how fast your website is to see if it is quality. Your load speed is important. As for the formats: 
Png's are used for basic images with a lot of one or two colors of just basic colors.
JPEG's are used for complex colored pictures like pictures taken of real life or crazy graphical images.
GIF's are used for animations. 

So keep that in mind and it might come in handy! Thanks again for reading and welcome to the online world of business!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Website layout

Today we will go over a basic website layout.
You want 3 main pages on your website: Home. About, and Contact me.
A good total amount of pages is 5. The other two pages are yours to come up with.
Now before you construct your site you need to do 5 things. Get a logo, pictures, text for the home page and the about page, and if you want videos. So first get your logo.
Got it? Good, now get, take, or make pictures for your site. Got them?
Good, now lest write the first pages text. If you already know what you want to say then go a head and do that, but if you don't here's what you need to do. Write : why you made the business(present a problem that your business fixes), Say how you do what you do (present information on the process of your company), and finally say what it is(show your logo and say how your business is the answer). for example:
Welcome to Games a Million!
The video games of to day aren't cool enough!
We work hard every day to make cool games for every one.
We don't just give you one cool game though, we give you a million!
Now let's be honest, that was silly but again be honest if there was a game below that paragraph showing a play button you would press that wouldn't you. It's hard to understand but this system of why how what really works on any subject.
Now, next you need to right a paragraph about the business stating: when it started, how it started, where it started, who started it, and why that person started it. The rest of it is up to you.
 If you want videos for you site then now is the time to take, capture, and make them.
Now let's put it all together.
Home page:
The left is the layout for the home page and the right is the layout for the about page.
As for the home page it's first the title, then the logo, then the paragraph next to a slide show, then if wanted a video or more pictures. For the about page it's first the title, then the paragraph, and then pictures and a video if wanted. Now you can change the arrangement of these layouts as you like. These are just basic and classic efficient layouts for web pages. 
For the contact page all that you need is a contact form a title and the logo. 
If you prep the content before hand then putting things together only takes minutes. 
So that is highly advised.
Just remember to make everything pleasing to the eye.

Thanks for reading and welcome to the online world of business!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Finance Plan

Finance plan.

This document will help you write your own finance plan.
Ok lets start with simple goals.

  • Keep ________________ in savings account at all times.

  • Only spend ________________ every month on items wanted.

  • Invest %__________________ of your money every month or year.

  • Save %________________ of your money each paycheck.

Simple enough.

Now let’s do some basic math shall we?

  • I make ________________ a month or year.  (A)

  • I spend ________________ a month or year.  (B)

Is A > B?
It better be.
Here’s a tip: ALWAYS KEEP (A) BIGGER THAN (B).

  • Don’t pay what you don’t have.

  • Save money what you don’t need to spend.

  • Buy only what you need.

  • Need only what you buy and want nothing more.

  • Track your money.
These are simple, but big things. Follow them and you've got a secure money flow.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Making Decisions.

Decisions can be hard things to make for a business. They normally are.
Now days websites help that issue a lot. How so?
Well websites can gather information with surveys and the stats tell you who went where on what.
Your stat information can be expanded with Google Analytics, I highly recommend getting an account.
I don't have a deal with Google to advertise their products, they don't need that. I really find it the most efficient way of getting the most out of your website. With it you will know how much money you are making from it, who visited it, where they visited it from (country, state, city), what browser, what device, how long they were on the site total and how much time they spent on each page, how many people visited it, how many page views, the list is just SO LONG. The list is great! Using the information that you collect you can see who likes what, how much and when. WHO, WHAT, HOW, and WHEN. Those are 4 very powerful words. You can then use that information to make decisions:
"WHAT product should we enhance?" Which one was viewed/bought the most this year/month? "WHEN should we update the changes?" The day before the one that most people view the site. "WHAT should we do to get people interested in us?" What do people view the most, do the most, and want the most of on your website?/What do people want? "HOW should we make our website more attractive to the public eye?" What does the public eye normally go to and view the most?
So here is your bullet point of the day:

  • Get the statistics.
  • Take all of the numbers, make average percentages, and compare them with the rest.
  • Make decisions dependent upon the above...

and progress in the online world of business.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fill out sheet.

This is a fill out sheet below copy and print the below. This is for a starter that gives you a kick into the world of business. If you already have I business It might be good to go over this and see what you have done :). 


The number one thing that you need to have in order for a good business is something that people want. Your product/services are what the whole business revolves around.
So try answering these questions:

  • What can you give to your customers?
  • Why would they want it?
  • What makes it different? (you don’t have to fill all of it in)
OK, assuming that you have something that people want, that you can give and that is unique, we will continue... Now you need to target your customers. What group of people will like what you can give or who was it made for? Keep the answer in your pocket and we will get back to that.

What's the most powerful thing that a business should have? POPULARITY! People have to know that you are there, in order to get what you have for them. So you are going to make your own website. I recommend Weebly! It's free, it's big, it's shiny, and most importantly it hooks up with social media! Speaking of which after you make your website you need to get Twitter and set it so that it posts every thing you post in Twitter on Facebook. Then when you hook weebly up with Twitter whenever you post something on weebly it will go to Twitter and Facebook. Remember that these accounts must be separate from your account's.
SOCIAL MEDIA(these are the most necessary):
  • twitter [ ]
  • facebook [ ]
  • google+ [ ]
  • linkedin [ ]

Try to check of all of the above by getting an account for each one.


Your website is like a paragraph. The home page is the topic sentence. It should sum up the whole site and get people interested in it. To do that again we will answer these questions.
  • Why? (did you make your business)
  • How? (Did you do it? and How do you do what you do?)
  • What? (What do you have to offer)
Why did you make this business? Appeal to the human emotions so that they want to get in on it.
How did you do it? Explain what you did and went through in order to do it.
What is it? Now explain what you provide for them and what's so great about it by giving them the answers to the questions we first came to:
  • What can you give to your customers? (what is it?)
  • Why would they want it? (what does it do for them?)
  • What makes it different? (what's unique about it?)
Remember the answer to: What group of people will like what you can give or who was it made for? (Who are you targeting?)
Well now you can put that information to use.
When you answer the question "Why?" appeal to your targeted people group.
Find out what they would think, if they would want it and if they would get excited and tell their friends.

On your home page use pictures. Pictures catch attention, and that's what you want.
Make your homepage memorable for the viewers.
If you need to see it in action go to,, or and see what things those sites did that matches up with what I said. Then come back and write down what you remember about one or both of them.
Great now maybe think of what made those things memorable and try to use those thing for your site. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Great now you’ve got a business started! the only things needed now are licences, but we don’t go over that here.

Hope you learned a lot from this and have a great day!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How my business came to be

Today I will talk about "My business" for a change. You may already know that I am the creator of Simplegamings, well now you will know how it came about. Believe it or not, it all started with a dream, the dream was of a really awesome and epic video game that I have yet to make. I woke up and that dream became an idea. I am going to make video games. Once I had been making games for about 3 weeks I realized that I loved it, and that is why I made this business because I love to make video games, but  how I made this business is another matter. I made the website ( 2 months after I started making games, and by this point the idea had grown in to a plan. This plan was carried out slowly and carefully. 
I learned every thing about businesses from making one. I learned for my self: no books, no lectures, no classes. I do not advise you to do the same: learning from others is the best way to go. 1 year past and my games were finally preferred over other games by my users, and my views were starting to go up. Then the community came out and it helped every thing: People were talking, sharing, and the word was spreading. Today: 2 years from the start the stats randomly flew through the roof and my heart leaped for joy: 

One of the big challenges of developing my business was waiting. Because my business relies completely on the website there was a lot of waiting, and to be honest it drove me crazy! When I was driving crazy I actually found out that the waiting was good. It allowed me to make decisions and plan ahead. Now that things are escalating so quickly I only wish that I was waiting. Either way I learned a lot from making my business and I hope that you will learn a thing or two from this post. Just to make sure here are the highlights:

  1. Get and idea
  2. Turn it into an plan 
  3. Follow the plan slowly and carefully
  4. Be patient
  5. Clear your head when you make decisions 
  6. Let the business take you for a ride
That is how my business came to be, and that is what got me into The Online World Of Business.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Progress is a interesting, meaningful, and powerful word. One used too often and one rarely done.
Progress can be the beginning of something big, or the end of something bigger.
Progress is a word that you can study for hours and still find more definitions, but we don't have hours to talk about the subject so let's get to the point. Progress is a wild horse that you must take control of.  Because it is  so powerful it can overpower you and your business. You see, people get so caught up with the idea of progress that they don't continue to work on the fundamentals and keep the foundation strong. So, try to slowly progress and only when your foundation is exceedingly strong. You can't walk if you haven't grown legs, and you can't grow legs without food. In fact you can't survive without it. So feed you business, grow it's foundation, and then when walking is a possibility. Progress... And when you progress don't lose sight of your fundamentals. Progress slowly...: Don't get carried away with big ideas. Just do it one step at a time. Being slow in a fast world is hard, but that is a big reason for why so many small and big businesses die. People try to progress and progress but they find that their building is now really really high, and their foundation is weak... Thus, the building collapses and creates a bigger blow then controllable.

  • Take control 
  • Feed (Your business)
  • Grow your legs 
  • Then learn how to stand before you walk
  • walk slowly step by step...

And then you will PROGRESS in the online world of business!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Global awareness time

It's global awareness time, people so lets act like it.
By global awareness I mean BE AWARE THAT YOU LIVE IN A GLOBAL WORLD.  Thanks to the internet Global means EVERYWHERE, and anywhere is close to everywhere. There for if you website is global... then you can reach the limits of the earth, and the people of the earth will carry out the rest by telling there friends. This is a BIG advantage that I want you to take control of. Again... If you make sure that you have a product that fixes/answers a problem or gives something unique to the buyer, then you will have a big chance of doing well. That plus having a good website set's you up!
So be aware of the GLOBAL surroundings, and thrive in the online world of business.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Don't sell... Solve.

Today let's talk about your product( the thing that you provide ). Remember that it's not about you so... You have to be giving them something that they will want. A great way of doing that is not only giving them something enjoyable but something that solves a problem. That way your product is a releafe. How so? Well... Say that some one is wants to take a picture of there screen, and they can't. That's a problem. Well if you provide a screen shot program then your product is a releafe to the customer. What you can do as well is just try adding something to your product to make it solve a problem. So try it out. Mess around with it. See what you can do.
Just remember: Don't sell... Solve.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Go with the flow.

Go with the flow. One of the great guide lines of being a ninja (no I am not kidding), is to use the obstacles of your surroundings to your advantage agents your enemy.  Now if you take the enemy part out it's genius! For many businesses social media was an obstacle, but the ones that used it to their advantage have prospered. Your business WILL encounter many obstacles. Just use it to your advantage. Let me say it again and think about it when you read it. Use the obstacles of your surroundings to your advantage. Notice that you are only using the obstacles of your surroundings, people will often try to use every thing to their advantage. This is not a good idea... Number one because you are not spending time focusing on your business. Number two because if it is not in your surroundings then you have to reach, and you should only deal with what you can handle, and what is around you. If you have dealt with what is around you then you are not reaching to the outer things. Just deal with what is around you, and make your obstacles around you compliment your business.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today I will go over yet another very important aspect of business. Popularity. Yes we have gone over this before but not  thoroughly. I'll start today's post with an example. I am assuming that you have heard of or watched some videos from Mister epic mann. Mister epic mann (also my friend) got his popularity through YouTube. It doesn't provide any product, and yet his business is legit. His business provides entertainment, and entertainment is what people want. Because he's giving people what they want and they enjoy it the word spreads quickly. Friends will tell their friends and their friends will tell their friends and so on. His videos only took a few months to go viral. How animals eat their food in 1 week got 39 to 40 million views. He was then asked to come too many talk shows, and yet he was smart to stay away from them. If you provide what people want the word will spread. Now with YouTube it is easier to go viral, but the same applies for every other business in the world. Another example is watchmen cinema. Watchmen cinema got there publicity from person to person. You may not have heard of them. This is because watchmen cinema makes advertisements for senators. Unless if you are a senator you probably have not heard of them and yet they do quite well. You see  popularity is only needed for the targeted audience. Watchmen cinema targeted senators, and mister epic mann's target is the public. They both are currently successful even though they went about their businesses differently. Notice that I am only comparing a business with one that produces the same product. In this case products we're videos. The difference in the products is one business makes funny videos and the other makes serious ones. Do not compare yourself with someone who does not provide something like what you do. Especially do not compete with them. That would make you idiotic. Remember if you have what others want you will get publicity and in return money.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's not about you.

The business does not revolve around you. It revolves around the product. It's not about you. It's about the customers. It's only because of the product and the customers that you make money, or not...: depending on the situation and occupation of your business. Because it is not about you. You need to treat your customers as lords and ladies. You are there servant your service is what you are judged by. If a customer gets off the phone saying wow they were great. Then you did your job right. Give them what they want, and they will be happy. If they are happy in your place. Then that is there happy place. When do you want to go to your happy place? All of the time! That's not a question; and the more they come the more money you make. Now don't let them eat you out of house and home. Your not giving them the stuff for free, but you want them to think that. Just build relationships with your customers. Be nice, talk to them, Hear them! Make them feel exempted, and remember...: it's not about you.